DOWNLOAD Updated Camille Items
Camille originally converted a large chunk of Nemestnaya's Pretty in Pink Set from Sims2. I have converted the remaining 14 items and have updated a few of Camille's meshes to make them more like Nemestnaya's originals.
NMS Pretty in Pink & Camille Updates
14 New Items:
Industrial Table, Vintage Wall Shelf
Paintings & Posters:
Notice Board, Wall Decoration, Vintage Wall SwitchMisc. Decor:
Film, Photo Album, Scissor, Small Ceramic Box, Small Iron Eiffel
Antique Scroll Chair
Flower Pot
Long CurtainLighting:
Study Lamp_______________________________________________________________
9 Updated Items:
Vintage Binder: added Nemestnaya's original texture
Fanback Windsor: added Nemestnaya's original texture and tweaked mask to make wood grains line up more realistically
Framed Butterflies: removed glass group so that butterfiles could be seen better
Radiator: removed slot that made objects sit inside the radiator
Pencil Vase, Pink Rose, Vase with Rose, White Flowers, Yellow Rose: adjusted glass values to make them translucent rather than frosted